Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dealing With Post-Finals Stress

Image courtesy of Geoffrey Fairchild on Flickr
Finals are over! That means it’s time to relax and kick back and enjoy winter break. We know that finals can be a stressful time for people and the stress sometimes carries over into your winter break. That’s no way to live your winter break life! Utilize the time to unwind and really enjoy the time off. Here’s how you can make the most of your winter break.

Clean your desk. You just suffered through the hard work that is finals week. Your desk is probably a mess from all of the study guides and syllabi. Take some time before you head home for break, and clean off that desk! By clearing off your desk you’ll provide yourself a fresh start for next semester. Coming back to your apartment and seeing a clean and clear desk won’t give you panic attacks and flashbacks from finals week. Do yourself a favor and clear it off before you head home.

Go out. Take a night out with your friends. Whether that involves hitting the bars or just hitting the movie theater to see the new Star Wars, it’s going to help you unwind. Spending time with your friends in a calm scenario is just what you need after a long semester of stress. Dedicate a night to just you and your pals.

Dig into your Netflix queue. You’ve probably spent all semester avoiding Netflix and Hulu (hopefully), for the sake of your grades. Now that classes are through and you don’t have many responsibilities, you’re free to tear into all of those shows. Spend a weekend just binge watching that one show that you’ve had your eye on. There’s nothing more relaxing than a weekend in your sweatpants with junk food and a great show on play. Yes, we’re still watching, Netflix.

Catch up on Christmas traditions. Do you have a Christmas tradition that you have to do every single December? You might not have had time to do it yet with all of your studying for finals. But now that that’s all out of the way, you have all the time in the world. Put on Christmas Vacation, go sledding, go ice skating, and drink as much hot chocolate as your stomach can hold. Just try and get it all in before Christmas.

Do you have a post-finals ritual that helps you to relax and unwind? Tell us about it on Facebook and Twitter.


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